ASKER橡膠硬度計上海騰明工貿有限公司 聯系電話:021-62179116傳真電話:021-62673493http://kssxl.com DET:13917634437
ASKER橡膠硬度計 | | ASKER'S TYPE | 依據標準 | 應用 | C | SRIS 0101 | 海綿、軟橡膠、瓷土、硬發泡橡膠、繞線盤 | C2 | -- | 軟海綿(一般用于比C型軟的材料) | JA | JIS K 6301 A | 一般橡膠 | A | JIS K 6253A,ASTM D 2240 A | 一般橡膠 | B | ASTM D 2240 B | 半硬橡校、瓷土 | JC | JIS K 6301 C | 半硬橡校、軟塑料 | D | JIS K 6253 D,ASTM D 2240 D | 硬橡膠、硬塑料 | JAL | JIS K 6301 A | 一般橡膠(凹進部位) | F | -- | 軟發泡塑料、發泡橡膠 | FP | -- | 化妝用粉撲 | CS | -- | 笨已烯發泡 | C1L | SRIS 0101 | 海綿、軟橡膠(凹進部位) | C2L | -- | 軟海綿(凹進部位) | C3 | -- | 硬發泡狀橡膠 | AL | JIS K 6253 A,ASTM D 2240 A | 一般橡膠(凹進部位) | DL | JIS K 6253 D,ASTM D 2240 D | 硬橡膠(凹進部位) | BL | ASTM D 2240 B | 半硬橡膠(凹進部位) |
ASKER橡膠硬度計 ASKER橡膠硬度計 ASKER橡膠硬度計的詳細介紹 ASKERDurometer Type C2 |
The ASKER Durometer TypeC2 for soft rubber, sponges, and other foam elastomers, as well asrolled-threads (yarn packages), etc. It is suitable for softmaterials difficult to measure using the ASKER TypeC.ASKER橡膠硬度計
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| IndentorASKER橡膠硬度計 |
| HeighASKER橡膠硬度計t: 2.54mm Shape:Spherical |
| Pressure foot |
| The Pressure foot in contact with thespecimen is 44mm in width and 18mm in depth, wide enough to ensureaccurate measurement. The Longer Pressure Foot Type (C2L type)is applicable for measurement of narrow or concavespecimens.ASKER橡膠硬度計 |
| Hardness TesterSelection Chart |
| Our product line consists of varioustypes of durometers applicable to specific materials as indicated in the chart above. ASKER橡膠硬度計 Type A Durometer (ASKER A type), conforming to JIS K 6235 is themost popular type of durometer for measuring rubber hardness.
However, verification is recommended because a significantdifference is estimated to be the largest when a durometerindicates measurement values from 10 to 90 points. ASKER橡膠硬度計 For hard specimens for which Type A Durometer readings indicatemore than 90 points, measurements should be undertaken using theType D Durometer (ASKER D type). However, for soft specimens withmeasurements of less than 20 points, the ASKER C type or Type EDurometer (ASKER E type) should be used. The most importantconsideration in using durometers is to select the correct type forpurposes of measurement according to the specimen. |
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| Indicationrange |
| 0 point - 100 point (262 degree dialscale) |
| Minimumindication |
| 1 point (Accuracy : ±1 point) |
| Indentor Design(mm) |
| Height: 2.54 5.08 Dia. SphericalASKER橡膠硬度計 |
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| Central hole ofdiameter of Pressure foot |
| Φ5.5 |
| Pressurefoot Dimension (mm) |
| 44×18(Rectangular) |
| Outer Dimension(mm) |
| Approx. Width 57×Depth 30×Height 76 |
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| Application |
| soft rubber, urethane foam, sponge,rolled-threads, film rolls and pottery clayASKER橡膠硬度計 |
| ASKER橡膠硬度計 | Outer Dimension(mm)<, /o:p> |
| A custom designed pressure foot durometer is availableaccording to specimen conditions. |
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| Two-pointer type (max-hand andactive hand) of Rubber Hardness Tester The stationary set hand (max-hand) makes the maximum value easierto read and allows the creep characteristics of a specimen.
Accurate measurement is made possible for specimens* for whichstress relaxation occurs over time or for specimens for which it isdifficult to take readings from the front.
*Materials for which the reading decreases immediately after theindentor has been pressed against the surface. |
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| Constant Loader forDurometerASKER橡膠硬度計 · | Constant loarder assures uniform test pressure eliminatingfalse readings due to differences between operators in measuring byhand. | · | High accuracy and repeatability of the hardness readings areassured by the flexible joint function. |
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| Indentor ExtensionTeASKER橡膠硬度計 ster · | The gauge to check the indentor height on a durometer and thereading indicator mechanism. | · | Inspection is conducted at 2, 50, and 100 pointsrespectively |